Tuesday, April 20, 2010


A way to maintain your skill set and enhance your networking skills is through bartering. Bartering is trading goods and services without using money. Today I bartered with a new friend. I am updating her resume and she is selling me a piece of jewelry from her collection at half price.
It is a win-win deal.
Think of your skill set and how you may be able to continue to refine and apply it by trading skills or products with someone. For example, if you have strong administrative skills, can you assist someone professionally format their resume and in turn receive something beneficial to you? It is something to consider. I have a friend who is a professional coach. After her training, to further develop and practice her new skill she approached me and asked if she could provide me with several weeks worth of professional coaching, if I would paint her a couple of decorative windows. We bartered and both received a valuable service or product.

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