Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Do you set New Year’s Resolutions? I haven't for the longest time but this year I have.  I set only one, "In 2014 I resolve to step away from my computer." 

I spend way too much time on my laptop, I-phone and I-pad than I should. Even though I work from home and need them for work-related projects and general client communication, I also use them to communicate with the various social media channels. Personal communication whether it is face to face or the telephone is human interaction and should remain that way.  The statistic that says, 70% - 85% of jobs are found through networking refer to the human component of networking and not from the computer.

So who wants to join me by spending a few less hours in front of a screen and more time in front of a living person? 

Here are some resolutions:
1. Resolve to call at least one person a day and let them know of your job search.
2. Resolve to exercise at least 30 minutes a day rather than use Facebook during that time.
3. Resolve to make plans to spend time with family or friends rather than texting or Tweeting them.
4. Resolve to make something that you see on Pinterest and share it with a real person rather that just pinning your interests to various Boards.
5. Resolve to volunteer.  Volunteering gets you out of the house, develops a new skill set or keeps your skills current, allows you to meet new people and helps you network. It also helps someone of something else.

Happy New Year everyone!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Volunteering, Networking, Giving Back

As I've recently posted, my town of Sea Bright NJ was destroyed by Super Storm Sandy.  One hundred percent of the businesses were severely damaged and over 85% of the homes were structurally shattered. My home was one of the 85% so life as I knew it pre-Sandy has not been the same and I apologize for taking a blogging break.  Even though our home in Sea Bright is a second home, it is the place that we intend to retire. Our family spends days, weeks and months in Sea Bright and we have fallen in love with the people and way of life.  I grew up about five miles down the road from the town so I have known Sea Bright and her people for my whole life.

I have managed to continue with my job search training sessions and resume writing clients.  To this I have added volunteering for Sea Bright and of course, the huge clean-out of the house and rebuilding.

One of my hobbies is decorative painting; specifically the One Stroke method of painting.  Over the years I have painted for a few craft shows or painted items for my family and friends. After taking a break from it when I launched Blackbird Learning Associates, I returned to it this past summer when I found that the shells, driftwood and slate from the beach made unique painting surfaces.   
After Sandy I wondered what I could do to help my town. Then I saw this sign in a Facebook post and decided to paint my way into fundraising.

In the past month I have hand-painted over 100 Christmas ornaments to benefit a grass-roots organization called Sea Bright Rising. The mission of the group is to provide funding and support for the needy and/or displaced and the general recovery of the businesses and residents of Sea Bright.  The ornaments are filled with local sand, shells and sea glass and I am donating 100% of the proceeds.  So far my friends have donated over$1100 to the relief efforts and I intend to paint and fill as many as I can in time for a planned fund-raising event scheduled for December 15th.

So that is where I have been.  All along I have witnessed and been a part of unbelievable networking opportunities.  (To bring it back to the job search).  I have also seen a number of people who have picked up temporary work related to Sandy and who have networked for full-time work.

I will be back in 2013 with more job search articles and guest bloggers.  In the meantime, it’s back to ornament painting for me.

Be well!

Grace Under Fire

  Yesterday watching Carrie Underwood calmly and professionally manage a difficult situation brought me back to my own uncomfortable moments...