I went to bed last night hearing
that a horrific shooting occurred at a black church in Charleston, SC. Twitter reports were flooding in and at one point
someone was in police custody but it turned out to be a photographer. This
morning the suspect’s photo is all over the news and social media. The story is horrific. A young man walked into
a house of God, sat with the members of the bible study group for about an
hour, said that something had to be done against the people who were, “Raping
our women and taking over our country” and then murdered six women and three
men in cold blood. The killer left one witness alive to tell the story. I can’t even imagine the terror and helplessness that those
people felt.
Something evil is happening in our
country and it's becoming more and more divided as each day
passes. We all know it too. The white people are complaining about the black people and the black
people are complaining about the white people. And I’m using simple language
here. There are hate groups flooding the
internet and the news outlets are not reporting the news any longer; they are
inserting their own or their network’s opinions into the stories. We are
surrounded by hatred and people are snapping. We are moving back to the 1950s
and 60s and taking God and humanity totally out of the picture.
I can’t help but think that families
(along with the internet) are perpetuating the hatred. When a child grows up
with hatred that is the only thing that they know. When parents, teachers, clergy, celebrities or leaders say
something, it becomes the truth. That’s how children think and now, adults too seem to be losing the ability to think for themselves.
I've over simplified here but as a nation we need to come together to stop the prejudice and hatred. It isn’t us vs. them or me vs. you. We are one people and we need one another to survive as a society and as a people.
"America is nothing if it consists merely of each of us; it is something only if it consists of all of us."
Woodrow Wilson, 1916
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