Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Shout Heard `Round the World

Congratulations to a couple of people who got angry at some unscrupulous hiring practices. Patricia Nixon and Marc Johnson, LinkedIn members, read the recent article stating that several companies have stated that they will not hire any people who are not currently employed. Patricia and Marc started a petition to bring this information out into the open and to get our elected officials to listen. Both Marc and Patricia were interviewed for an article about the petition, the CNN article and the global responses they have received since starting their crusade.
It is hard enough for the many qualified unemployed to find meaningful work in our economy but for some companies to honestly think the unemployed should be overlooked is simply ridiculous. I meet wonderful, intelligent, motivated unemployed people at every job search session I give. They would be an asset to any organization.
I continue to be amazed by the elitist, ignorant perceptions of some of our major corporations.

Here's the petition and I encourage you to sign it whether you have a job or not.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Brava, Nancy! You know Marc and I appreciate this so much. With the outpouring of volunteerism and support, it feels like grassroots efforts still matter. I know we're just the *little people* but when you see people from all over pull together like this, we prove that we really will come together when we feel strongly enough about something.

Thank you, again . . . for everything.

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