In my book, Job Search for Moms, I share with you some of the questions that you, as an interviewee can ask the interviewer. Now, an interview is a two-way conversation and your questions don't need to be saved until the end of the meeting. You should be an active participant and feel comfortable asking your questions throughout the interview. Here are some of the questions you can ask in a business-focused interview, there are others that may be more applicable to the position you are looking for.
You should have several prepared questions. This shows the interviewer that you are interested in learning about the company and that you have taken the time to research. Sample questions can include:
- What are the short and long term goals of the company?
- What is the vision of the department?
- What is the company environment like?
- What concerns need to be addressed immediately?
- What do you see happening with this position for the next 3 to 6 months?
- What are the particular attributes needed to succeed in this job?
- What are the challenges a person coming to this job will face?
One of my friends is applying for a teaching position and was looking for the types of questions to ask the Principal. I went online and found a couple of links that supply those questions. The links also list some of the questions that a teacher may be asked. The links are:
These are just a sampling of questions that you can ask on an interview. What questions have worked for you?