Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bashing Your Company on Facebook

Yesterday I read a Facebook rant by a disgruntled employee.  It was on my private Facebook page for a business that I happened to “Like”. Somehow this employee was also the page administrator and went off on his company and bosses. It was madness! Obviously this guy doesn’t know that you NEVER do this. Here is what he said:
“They're has been some changes at (name of the place of business), and I can no longer be a part of it. Nor do I want to be a representative of this place anymore. So if you are interested in managing a (place of business) in which one of the managers is an alcoholic and drug addict, and spends a lot of time with his young employees under 21 on and off the clock for god knows what reasons... Send me an email at this address: (email address) and I will forward you the information that you need. This place is about to crash, and I will not be a part of it.”

Well after numerous customer complaints, the posting was removed but the administrator came back on today with harsher words about his company. They are still there!
Wow! Have you ever seen anything like this?

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