Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Job Skills and Moms

The focus of my book, Job Search for Moms, is assisting moms return to the workforce. While the tips and techniques within the 102 page handbook are meant for any job seeker, many women find it helpful for its brief, to the point worksheets and resources.

The media coverage of the Ann Romney/Hilary Rosen debate and the ensuing outrage over the definition of moms and work continues with the “experts” from around the country defining the skills and competencies that mothers use on a daily basis. These skills, as I mention in the book are sharpened and used on a day to day basis and are critical for success in the workplace. What are these skills? Here are just a few.

Oral and Written Communication Time Management
Problem Solving
Interpersonal Skills
Organizational Skills

Now let's add volunteering to the mom mix. Research from the 2010 – 2011 Occupational Outlook Handbook indicates that women “continued to volunteer at a higher rate than men did across all age groups, educational levels, and other major demographic characteristics.” The volunteer rate for parents with children continued to surpass those without children. These volunteer activities expand your skill set (multi-tasking, compromise, project management, time management, prioritization) while adding valuable networking opportunities.

Whatever your station in life, create a chart like the one above but add an extra column to write down specific examples of your use of the skills. You will be amazed at all that you do.

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