Thursday, August 2, 2012

So, What Have You Been Doing These Past Few Years?

The other day a client called me and asked for some help with a job search issue. This particular man has been out of work for over two years and while he is getting calls for interviews, he can’t get past the “What have you been doing with yourself for these past two years?” question. Could you answer that question?

I read an article in Women’s World magazine recently that said hiring managers are more understanding of employment gaps these days but would prefer to see a job seeker fill the gap with an activity such as:
Finding a temporary job (79%)
Taking a class (61%)
Volunteering (60%)
Starting a Business (28%)

There is another statistic that states that the average job seeker in NJ spends only 70 minutes a day looking for work. If that’s true, what’s stopping them from filling the gap with one or more of those activities?

The benefits of temp work, starting a business or volunteering are off the charts. You are maintaining or developing new skills, getting out of the house and back into a routine and most importantly, you are networking. Taking a class speaks for itself and again, you are networking with the instructor and other class members. All in all, should you be asked what you’ve been doing while you were unemployed, you can speak confidently of your activities and increase your chances of being heard.

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