Monday, February 8, 2016

Cam Newton, Football and Making Mistakes at Work

By now everyone is Monday morning quarterbacking about Super Bowl 50 and the behavior of North Carolina Panther’s Quarterback Cam Newton at the post-game press conference. For those who don’t know, after a few one word responses and some mumbles, he got up and left the interview. He was obviously angry and hurting. Still, his behavior was childish and disappointing, especially to those who support or look up to him.

Cam Newton is only 26 years old and in his short (by our standards) career he’s done a lot for the game of football, North Carolina, children and charities.  When I was 26 I made a huge mistake at work. To this day I remember the feeling of helplessness (sickness) when my boss called me into his office to explain the repercussions of my error. Since then I’ve made tons of mistakes at work and in life. This thing is, back then and now, I own up to my mistakes and take the heat. Most adults do. 

In life (and football) there are winners and losers. We get hired, we get fired. We get the contract, we lose the contract. In other words, we don’t always win the trophy. In the real world we can’t sulk, hide or walk out of work. We can’t blame others. We have to take responsibility for our own actions and set an example for others. The key is to use that failure as an example of doing better next time. Life goes on.


Unknown said...

Now that I live in North Carolina I am a Carolina Panthers fan. The Panthers had an amazing season and I am proud of them. The Denver defense beat the Panthers badly during the Super Bowl. However, I was very disappointed that Cam Newton left the interview. He is paid a huge sum of money and he as to act with maturity. I hope he realizes it was a mistake to leave.

Nancy Range Anderson said...

I agree with you 100%. I was hoping that they would win too but was so disappointed in Cam's behavior. That said, I'll bet he matures and will be on top again next season. He sure does a lot for the kids in the area and for the community. Thanks so much!

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