Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Bruce Springsteen, Your Comments and the Job Search

This past Friday the news outlets reported that Bruce Springsteen cancelled his concert in Greensboro, NC due to his disappointment and disagreement with a new law that he saw as discriminatory against transgender and gay people.

Since then, there have been heated arguments all over the internet about the pros and cons of the law, the concert and the other artists and companies boycotting North Carolina. Many of the discussions are civil but there are others that are full of colorful language and name calling. I’ll be honest, it’s rough out there and as usual, people aren’t holding back any punches.

If you are joining in these conversations, be careful of what you say. Your words may come back and haunt you and if you are in the job search mode, that’s not a good thing. A potential employee may Google you and rather than seeing your stellar LinkedIn profile, may instead see your heated words about the concert or the law.

This applies to anything (like politics) and the same rule holds for photographs. Be careful what you say and do because you don’t want to blow your chances of getting that job you wanted.

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