Sunday, November 8, 2009

Unemployment is 10% - Keep Networking

The October unemployment numbers were announced this past Friday and now we are no longer reaching towards 10%, we have bumped smack right into it. It is taking much longer to find a job and to borrow a line from my realtor friends; it is a seller's or company's market. What can you do now, this minute to ward off the anxious feelings? Develop a quickie speech on who you are and what you want. It is kind of like an Elevator Speech but shorter. You never know where you are going to need to use it and if you don't have one, you may blow your chances. Seriously, because you never know who knows someone who is hiring.

Last night my husband and I went to a surprise 50th birthday party. There were over 100 people there. Who thinks about networking at a birthday party? You should.

Most of the people at the party were my husband's friends and acquaintances and I may have met them a time or two. While waiting for the birthday girl to arrive, the conversation turned to small talk such as the venue, the weather, families and jobs. I had a couple of people ask me what I do for a living. What better place than to give them a quick overview of my business?
“My position was eliminated about a year ago. Since then, I opened a company and I specialize in job search skills and resume writing." That is the first step in networking.

The holidays are coming and with it bring cookie exchanges, neighborhood parties and holiday gatherings. Brush up on your networking skills and practice, practice, practice a few sentences about you. Include what you are looking for and your appreciation should the neighbor/friend hear of anything or know of anyone to contact.

Don't forget football tailgates, retirement parties and any other gathering. Make any gathering an opportunity for you to network. Just don't go nuts pushing yourself at people. No one likes that. What they do like is to help someone out.

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