Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More on Networking

Did you ever get a note with an attachment from someone who said, "I saw this and thought you might be interested." Maybe it was an article about your business interests or an article about your school or neighborhood.  Remember how it made you feel? Probably it made you feel pretty good.  This is an example of networking. Networking is not self centered, it's also about giving back something in return.

Here's an example.  One afternoon last year President Obama broke into the news and announced a creative stimulus plan for education.  He was sending a message about the importance of our community colleges and the hopes for all people to get a college education.  As I watched it I thought of a couple of people that I contract with at my local community college.  I knew that they might be interested in this news scoop.  I popped off an email to them letting them know what the President just announced and attached the link that was mentioned on the news. It was short and sweet and sent in two minutes. It let my contacts know that I was thinking of them and sending them something that I thought might be of interest. It was giving back.  Maybe they quickly thought of me when they saw the email, "Oh yeah, Nancy.  She is the job search trainer."

How many times have you heard or saw something that you thought may be of interest to one of your network contacts and done nothing?  Don't let that opportunity to give back pass you by.  I'm not saying to swamp someone with information, use your networking pay back wisely.  It may ultimately assist your job search.

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