Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Letter to the President of the US

Dear Mr. President,

I wasn’t a business major in college nor did I run my early career as a business. I do however have common sense and have seen first-hand the destruction of our society by the unreasonable demands and greed of big business and a government with its head in the sand.

There are over 14 million people without real jobs. Let me say that again, fourteen million people. To put it into perspective, that is more than the number of people living in the states of New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Kansas and Arkansas combined!

I reread a speech from the Job Summit of 2009 and could see right through the smoke and mirrors. Obviously not much has happened on the job front since that speech. Then, last week at the Economic Summit, you joked of “bumps in the road” and the “headwinds” getting in the way of economic recovery. What is that supposed to mean? And why joke about it? How can almost three years go by without a hint of recovery? How can the corporations continue to make money hand over fist and many not pay taxes? How can we continually outsource our manufacturing and service groups to faraway places that barely know how to speak English? How are consumers supposed to go out and purchase goods and services when they don’t have jobs and money to spend? How does a dual income family move to one income and then no income and survive? How can unemployed couples even think about putting their kids through college? How come our leaders aren’t serious about this?

I don’t want to be political but I read on ABC News that, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has created a web ad where he is attempting to show that the 14 million unemployed “are not just economic statistics, but are real Americans looking to support themselves and their families.” Someone has to do it – but better yet, someone has to listen.

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