As you know our nation's employment numbers are in the dumps. Today’s job report again shows no improvement and this not only adds to the discouragement of the long termed unemployed but it is also causing the stock market to tumble. For the 40th consecutive month the unemployment number has been at 8+%. This is the longest streak since 1948.
Of course American business needs to step up to the plate but is there anything that you as an individual can do? Yes, there is. If you hear of an opening in your company or place of business, please pass it along to one of your unemployed friends. If you’re comfortable with it, let them know that they can use your name too. It’s as simple as that.
More than 85% of jobs are found through networking and as every job seeker knows, it’s awkward to ask for help; especially for the older job seeker. They were brought up to figure things out on their own. All the unemployed folks that I’ve trained or coached know that it’s not always WHAT you know but WHO you know. They’re trying; they just need some help.
What are you seeing up there regarding the under-employment rate, Nancy?
It's high John at 15.1% (average of 2nd quarter 2011 and 1st quarter, 2012). This number includes the total unemployed, plus all marginally attached workers, plus total employed part time for economic reasons,plus all marginally attached workers.
Here is a link to a chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics explaining these numbers. http://www.bls.gov/lau/stalt.htm
It's still a very rocky road.
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