Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Hurricane Sandy swept up the east coast like the Wicked Witch of the West; just in time to ruin Halloween and spit out buildings and property like so many broken teeth. As I sit here without power for going on ten days, I think about S-A-N-D-Y and her wrath.
Mud and silt on the windowsill along with a stereo speaker.

S- Social Media: I relied on my smart phone to get through our first few days without electricity. Until we got a stronger generator three days after the storm, we’d charge our phones in the car and then log on to Facebook to learn of the destruction, curfews, and to see the photographs and videos the decimated towns.

Waters pushed the bed and furniture across the room.

A- Angst: Unless you are in this area, you cannot fathom the destruction. Sandy was our Katrina. She has killed 41 people in NY City alone and caused billions of dollars of destruction. She has pounded the citizens of NY and NJ and thousands are still in the dark.  Help is needed and some people won't leave their dark,cold homes for fear of looting.

Beach club cabanas swept across the street and landed in a boat yard.

N-Normalcy and Nastiness: Putting aside gas rationing and grocery store madness, things are starting to return to normal. At first, tempers spilled over and blood pressures were on the rise but that gave way to compassion, normalcy, humor and caring.  It will take a while but NJ has proven to the world that we are "Jersey Strong", and not at all like the "Jersey Shore".

Major road buried under 6 feet of sand.

D- Destruction: Sandy was a killer and she battered buildings and fences and beaches and roads like a prize-fighter.

Sandy tossed the living room furniture after lifting it up four feet.

Y – Why: Sandy has passed and the clean-up has started.  If you are in the area, why not volunteer at one of the many organizations that are begging for help collecting or sorting clothing, driving patients to doctor appointments, feeding the homeless or assisting someone clean up the destruction.

The day after the hurricane. Beauty and serenity.

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