Friday, February 14, 2014

The Job Search and Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!

How is an Interview Like a  First Date?

I think that like a first date, if you’re not nervous and excited then you should ask yourself why.  Perhaps this isn’t the position/date that excites you.  The way you look and behave will allow your date (and the interviewer) to immediately know if he or she wants to learn more about you.  

Your dress, a firm handshake, a warm smile and eye contact are essential elements to both a date and an interview. To continue the theme, it’s important be conscious of your body language.  Sitting up straight or slightly leaning forward demonstrate your interest in the speaker and topic and want to continue the conversation.

Like a first date, an interview is a conversation; a back and forth talk where the interviewee actively listens and engages the interviewer with insightful questions and responses.  The interviewee should be prepared to fully explain his or her comments with thought-out instances of accomplishments and career highlights.

Finally, during a first date you may be asked your strengths and weaknesses and likes and dislikes.  These come up on an interview too and so in both cases you should be prepared with examples of each.  As far as weaknesses, don’t forget to mention what you’ve done to improve so that you don’t turn off the interviewer.

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