Friday, January 28, 2011

Are Your Happy?

Losing your job, being snowed in, eating for comfort, no one to talk to, facing the same chores, noticing that the format of your favorite newspaper or website has changed...fill in the blank.  Change is uncomfortable and whatever the source, it may make us feel anxious, depressed, moody, lonely or unhappy.
I heard a statistic the other day from Dan Buettner, author of Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way who said that people need several hours of interpersonal contact a day in order to feel content. As I listened, I thought of the job seeker, especially the person who has been looking for a long while.

If you lose your job, especially in the winter months, you may feel very isolated and lonely.  At least in the summer, it is easier to get out of the house. We talked about a similar issue the other day in the blog, How Do You Get Over the Job Search Blahs.  It’s tough to hit the wall in your job search.  I have several suggestions but would love to hear your suggestions.

1. Call your doctor or another health care professional if you notice that you feel out of sorts for a while.
2. Get out of the house and join a networking, walking, singing, exercise group.
3. Go to a class.  There are plenty of free classes and your library may be a good resource.
4. If snowed in, turn off the television and listen to some music, dance, read, etc.
5. Call a friend.
6. Volunteer.
7. Journal your feelings.

Please add to the list.  One other thing, if you have a friend who has lost his or her job, please reach out to him or her.  Your friendship can make a big difference.

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