Saturday, January 8, 2011

Off Topic - The Shooting in Arizona

Have you ever seen so much hatred spewed in the name of free speech? Have you too been amazed at the self centered, “Me, me, me, I’m right and you’re an ignorant ass if you don’t agree with me” mindset of more and more people lately? Has it become so commonplace that when someone causes a despicable act or a horrible crime against someone that immediately the majority of voices rise up without substantiation to blame it on politics or some other ridiculous motive?
Today as I watched the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords (D -Az) and others unfold, I opened my computer to read the account of the event on Yahoo News. As I scrolled down to the Comments section, I was sickened. Torrents of hate and finger pointing and joking were pouring out of the computer like venom. Of the thousands of comments, possibly only 20% expressed any serious concern for the victims.  Those that did were laughed at or even threatened.

What’s wrong with people these days? What happened to our country that just ten years ago came together as one? Where did the hate come from? Where did the offensive, self-absorbed, boorish behavior spring from?  Why do a great many people feel that it is their God given right to threaten or offend someone while hiding behind a computer?
People are flesh and blood. People have lives. People can change lives. No wonder our country is so disagreeable. People have become so used to typing vicious words that they have actually forgotten how to feel.


Julie Labes said...

I'm with you..It is easy to be so tough, so righteous, so 'everybody listen to me" when no one actually knows who you are. I think it is just a way for them to 'pretend" for a moment that their lives are really so much more exciting That they really are..for them to actually "be somebody" I think though that these people who think it is funny to laugh or make jokes out of tragedy will always think that way so will never amount to much more than someone who can be "a VIP" least in his own mind

Julie Labes the...Fierce over 50 feels much younger, point and click junkie, loves to travel, does not use a jogging stroller, and before you ask, this is NOT my granddaughter..Woman

Nancy Range Anderson said...

Hi Julie,
I love your comments, especially about being a VIP, "at least in his own mind." Thanks for responding.

Louise Edington said...

It upsets me so much that I am unable to read these type of comments any more. The country (and much of the world) is so polarized that those of us that are loving and compassionate are no longer heard. I see it just around me here with stickers on cars promoting hatred - I wonder where it will all end. I do agree with Julie that these people become VIPs in their own mind when they do this but unfortunately if any of us try to be reasonable we get shot down and threatened as you point out. It all makes me very sad indeed.
Louise Edington
Facing Fears For Freedom

Nancy Range Anderson said...

That is so true Lou. It used to be interesting to read the various comments just so learn the other point of view. Now it appears to be a race to see who can say the most hurtful things. Those who are compassionate and loving seem to have become the minority. Thank you Louise for your warm words.

Anonymous said...

The world is an "Angry, Angry" place right now and people are looking for ways to survive!! The problem is that the majority feel that those who can best help are looking out for themselves (theymay be right) and could care less what happens to anyone else!
Politicians, (the officials elected to look after our country and its citizens) are fighting amongst themselves across "party" lines and seem to have no understanding of the real issues!!
I'm working in home improvement retail as a way to pay my bills until I can get back on my feet and I see ordinary people, seniors, parents with kids in tow stealing items and returning them w/o receipts for the $$$$$!!
Thank You Nancy for doing your best to help others!! I always enjoy your writing and words of encouragement to me!!
Michael Strout

Nancy Range Anderson said...

Wow Michael - how scary is it to see that more people have taken to stealing just to get a few dollars. It certainly is a new world.
Thank you for your comments - I agree. The politicians are throwing mud, their constituents are throwing around worse words and so many people have lost their spirit and compassion.

Grace Under Fire

  Yesterday watching Carrie Underwood calmly and professionally manage a difficult situation brought me back to my own uncomfortable moments...